8 tips for opening your own repair shop

The word ‘entrepreneurship’ is coming up more and more in conservations and discussions within the automotive industry. Have you ever considered owning your own business and setting off on a journey towards success doing what you love most?

If you answered ‘yes’ to this question, keep reading to learn more about RIO’s key tips to help you open your repair or engine overhaul shop.

Enjoy the article!

Before we begin, it is important that we first understand recent behavior on the market 

The second half of 2022 brought a breath of fresh air into the automotive market, particularly with regards to the sale of brand-new and previously-owed vehicles. With the growing number of vehicles on the streets, the demand for maintenance also increases.

This is just one of the indicators from the Brazilian Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea) that suggest that the sector is heating up and needs you, a Motor Expert, to make sure that clients from all over Brazil are able to drive their cars safely and smoothly.

It is also important to note that there is currently a boom in market for vintage and newer collectible vehicles. That’s right. Older models are still in fashion and require specialized maintenance, particularly when we’re talking engine overhaul.

Speaking of which, SENAI, in partnership with RIO, has just launched a FREE engine overhaul course. You can learn more about the course by clicking here.

Well, now that we’ve delved further into the topic of vehicle, it’s time to take a look at some of our tips on how to open your very own repair shop. Shall we?

1. Choose a specific area 

Like anyone who is passionate about cars, we all know that the automotive maintenance market has several different niches. You can operate in general mechanics or focus on providing more specific services, such as: engine overhauls, alignment and balancing, automotive electric systems, brakes, suspension, injection systems, among many others.

It is therefore, essential that you focus on something you are really passionate about and understand in order to offer quality services and make sure that your business is a success.

2. Offer specialized services 

While we’re on the subject, the secret to a successful business is the quality of the services you provide. So, how do you offer your clients the benefits of high-end services? The answer is simple. Focus on the area in which you specialize and always keep up to date with technical aspects.

Expanding your technical knowledge, as well as that of your team, is essential to being able to offer specialized services. Don’t forget: more than just solving problems, it’s important to focus on gaining your clients’ trust.

3. Make a plan

Opening a business requires time, dedication and careful planning. When you’re reading to start your own repair or engine overhaul shop, it is essential that you start drawing up a plan. Sketch out an idea of the costs of machinery, parts, and tools, as well as expenses related to advertising your business.

Will you need to lease commercial space? Are you going to employ people? All of these factors must be addressed in your planning. Once everything is well-defined, it’s time to make your dreams a reality and open your own business. 

4. Advertising your business

These days with social media, it’s easier than ever to keep close to your clients. And these networks offer an important means of advertising and spreading the word with regards to your business. Since many people use digital means to find solutions these days, this is where you need to particular special attention. 

In addition to publicizing your business on social media, it is important to learn more about how other digital channels work, such as Google, WhatsApp, Telegram, among others. The same way that you follow RIO’s tips here on our blog, you can also use your brand to create content depending on the specific needs of your audience. And you can count on us on for that, too! 

5. Invest in empowering both your team and yourself 

You and your team of mechanics need to be always up to date with the major trends and technologies on the automotive market. Having a trained team makes all the difference when it comes to offering services. After all, with the large amount of competition that exists today, delivering quality is not always an easy task. 

Remember, empowering both yourself and your team should always be one of your business’s main priorities. In addition to being an entrepreneur, as a shop owner you are now also going to be a manager. It is therefore important to have an in-depth understanding of good management practices in order to best organize your team. 

6. Leave your mark on the marketplace 

As we mentioned above, staying ahead of the pack is a major challenge you must take into consideration. It is important to always have a clear vision of the competitive advantages that your brand or service offers, the way they aggregate value for clients, and more than anything, how you are seen on the marketplace. 

In order to develop a strong brand, list your strengths and the main advantages that you offer. This will help you make sure that your brand is truly recognized and allow you to develop a strong presence on social networks and digital channels. 

7. Develop a financial plan

There is no way around the fact that opening a business involves costs. But in order to make your plans a reality, consider seeking out financial assistance. A useful tip is to look for development banks at the state, regional and national level that are able to offer you credit at a rate that you can afford. 

Many banks, in addition to offering lower rates, also provide consulting services for people looking to start their first business. It’s something worth thinking about. 

8. Use quality parts 

It’s not just your services that need to be great, the parts you use to get the job done also need to be of a high quality. Try to work with engine parts that are considered an industry reference within the market for original and replacement parts. 

This will allow you to provide your clients with end-to-end quality and stay ahead of competitors. And you can rest assured that providing quality parts in addition to top of the line services makes all the difference to clients. 


If you’re reading this, like us, you are most likely a serious gearhead. We therefore would like to introduce you to our part portfolio, which includes piston rings, crankshaft rings, rocker arms, cylinder liners, camshafts, valve guides, injection nozzle sleeves, valve springs, valve seats, hydraulic tappets, mechanical tappets, motor valves and more. Take this opportunity to check out all the new releases and well-established favorites that are part of RIO’s Catalog.

Did you enjoy this article? It’s now time to use these tips to make your dream of owning a repair and engine overhaul shop a reality. Only RIO offers its clients true Orange Quality. 

See you next time!

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