We are RIO

In 1947, Mr. João Stramosk began his journey at Metalúrgica Riosulense   at the age of 20. The company was founded a year earlier.

Mr. João’s dedication and honesty are qualities that quickly lead him to assume responsibility in management positions. Just 20 years later, in 1967, he became president of the company.

Your determination and faith, combined with an expressive ability to achieve, are remarkable. With words and attitudes, Mr. João generates inspiration. There are countless occasions on which he, with his example, dictates the form and rhythm of RIO’s activities and posture.

In this way, his most striking trait is respect in coexistence and valuing people, always showing belief in the personal and professional capacity of each individual. He stimulates people around him, inspiring them to give their best and creates a unique personality for RIO.

It is this legacy linked to the dedication of all the people who in some way contributed to the history of RIO that has kept our flame burning for so many years. Living this culture on a daily basis means being in sync with what RIO expects from each of us. Furthermore, it is to reaffirm within ourselves that together WE ARE RIO!

RIO timeline


“Lighting paths, igniting talents and shaping the future.”


Develop and supplyproducts, materials, casting and machining services to move the world, in a creative and sustainable way.”


“To be a Global company and the best partnership and business option for our customers and distributors!”


We think and practice Innovation, Excellence, Respect and Simplicity in Team!
Ethics and Faith
among everyone!


“Lighting paths, igniting talents and shaping the future.”


Develop and  supplyproducts, materials, casting and machining services to move the world, in a creative and sustainable way.”


“To be a Global company and the best partnership and business option for our customers and distributors!”


We think and practice Innovation, Excellence, Respect and Simplicity in  Team! Ethics and Faith among everyone!

It reinforces what the market already knows:

At RIO, you matter. We are here to shape the future with you