Are temperatures dropping? See 4 important precautions with the car in cold weather

As temperatures start dropping — especially in the south region of Brazil, where this drop is more intense —, drivers must take precautions with the car in cold weather. This is due to the fact that low temperatures can significantly affect the performance of the car, from engine starting to response to essential fluids.

Thinking about that, in this article we will explore how a cold weather can negatively affect the performance of your car and we will discuss the best practices to keep your car in optimal conditions during colder months. Stay with us and have a good reading!

Understand how low temperatures can affect your car

When temperatures drop, the challenges to keep your car in good conditions are significantly increased. For example, the engine has difficulties starting, since the cold oil inside it becomes more viscous and circulates slower, increasing wearing and decreasing its overall efficiency.

Have you noticed that, when starting the car in cold weather, the engine starts sputtering? The reason is that the battery is other component that suffers during colder months, since low temperatures decrease its charging capacity and accelerate a decline of its service life due to slow internal chemical reactions.

In addition, a cold weather directly impacts other essential fluids, such as antifreeze and brake fluid, which must be fit to resist to the temperature drop, thus avoiding freezing and making sure the engine and safety systems operate correctly.

Thus, it is essential to adopt proactive measures to face such conditions, guaranteeing that the car remains safe and operational during these periods!

This is why we separated some tips to help you take care of your car in cold weather

It does not matter if your car is new, old, a relic or your family’s favorite, it is important to take some precautions when facing low temperatures. We prepared a list containing some actions that might help you taking care of your car in cold weather. Check it out:

1 – Monitor the performance of the battery closely

As we pointed out before, the battery efficiency is decreased at low temperatures. In this setting, it is essential to keep it properly charged and, if possible, to test it on a regular basis during winter to avoid the inconvenience of your car not starting in a cold morning. Here is an extra tip: if the battery’s service life is close to its ends, consider replacing it before winter starts to avoid headaches!

2 – Change fluids on a regular basis

Fluids such as motor oil and coolant must be adapted to operate at lower temperatures. A thinner oil is usually recommended for winter, since it maintains a proper viscosity even during cold days, guaranteeing the engine is effectively lubricated. The coolant must also be checked from time to time, especially to see if it is effectively protected from freezing.

3 – Check the heating system

For older cars, it is essential to check whether the heating system, which includes the internal heater and defogger, is operating as expected. Keep in mind that, without these resources, a driver will have to deal with an uncomfortable and dangerous driving experience — considering that the thermal isolation in older cars is less effective — since the defogger is critical for keeping visibility when driving the car in cold weather.

4 – Frequently check the tires

The pressure of the tires decreases in colder weather, which might affect the grip and safety. Therefore, it is indicated to frequently check their pressure during winter and to adjust their calibration as necessary. This helps guaranteeing a better performance when driving the car in cold weather and saving fuel!

Now you just have to enjoy the cold weather in safety

As temperatures drop, adopting preventive actions might make a big difference in terms of preservation and performance of your car. This is why, by following the precautions we have listed here, you will guarantee your car not only survives to winter, but that it also continues operating safely and efficiently when the hot weather returns.

If you enjoyed our recommendations, send this article to your friends and acquaintances who also have to face a severe winter! Also, if you have other tips for preserving the car in cold weather that are not presented in this guide, share them with us here in the comments!

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