ISO 14001 certification: reaffirming RIO’s commitment to the environment

Those who follow our blog and social media already know that the responsibility towards the environment is a very important topic here at RIO. After all, we know very well our role and that we have the mission of contributing positively to the planet, taking on serious environmental commitments and reinforcing an increasingly eco-friendly culture — and this is why the recent ISO 14001 certification achievement makes us so excited and pleased!

This ISO, which evaluates and certifies the counterpart and environmental responsibility of companies worldwide, appears at a very important moment and is a true milestone in our history, once it not only validates our long-standing commitment to sustainability, but also underscores our competitive differentiator in the metallurgy industry and automotive foundry in Brazil!

Much more than a mere formality or a simple piece of paper on the wall, the ISO 14001 certification represents the result of years of dedication and effort put in good environmental responsibility practices. And this is why we have decided to share with you, Expert and RIO customer friend, some details and curiosities about this certification, showing how it reflects in our journey in order to reduce carbon footprint and create an increasingly eco-friendly environment. Join us!

Commitment to the environment: a matter of culture

Over the last few years, environmental matters have dominated the agenda of companies, industries, and brands around the world. However, it is important to emphasize that, at RIO, commitment to sustainability is a long-standing practice. This happens because good environmental practices are embedded in our corporate culture since the beginning, for over 75 years, as an integral part of our mission and our values.

The achievement of ISO 14001 certification is, therefore, a confirmation of what we have defended for decades — a validation of our constant dedication in minimizing our impact on the environment and always acting responsibly with the space that surrounds, shelters and receives us every day. This is so true that this certification thoroughly evaluates the whole company background in relation to the environment, with a special focus on legal requirements.

Although we already had the environmental operating license, issued by the competent environmental agency, ISO 14001 certification is another layer of evidence of this commitment, as during the audit all our processes were followed closely by specialized inspectors — who, of course, came to a rewarding conclusion: no non-conformities were identified.

A journey of preparation for ISO 14001 certification

Full of good practices that were carefully build over the past years, our journey of preparation for ISO 14001 certification happened in the long run. During this period, we carried out a series of projects guided by environmental responsibility, which included from the optimization of our production processes to the implementation of energy saving measures and resource waste reduction.

And we can’t forget to emphasize as well that one of the most important points of this journey is the constant awareness of our collaborators. We invest in training sessions and educational programs in order to guarantee that everyone in our team is aware of the importance of environmental responsibility and of how their individual actions contribute to the success of collective sustainable initiatives.

Today, ISO 14001 certification is highlighted as a competitive market differentiator, extremely relevant to the metallurgy and foundry field, in our fields of expertise. It not only differentiates us from our competitors, but also demonstrates our unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability in a market that is increasingly aware of the importance of our actions.

In addition, ISO 14001 is an environmental management standard recognized globally. This means that, in conjunction with our environmental operating license, it guides the adoption of responsible practices spanning from strict monitoring of pollutant emission to effective waste management.

That is, it is a certification that helps us keep the compliance with environmental regulations in constant progress and proves once more that RIO is always at the forefront of changes in the environmental scenario, leading by example and creating movement.

But the work doesn’t stop!

Although the achievement of ISO 14001 certification fills us with pride, we understand that our commitment to the environment is a continuous journey. We are committed to maintaining and enhancing our sustainable practices, constantly seeking new ways to promote an increasingly eco-friendly workplace.

This is so true that our efforts are not only limited to internal operations, as we also collaborate with suppliers and partners to promote sustainable supply chains and we encourage innovation in materials and processes that have lower environmental impact.

After all, to RIO, environmental responsibility is not only an obligation: it is a chance to make a difference and leave a positive legacy for future generations. For this reason, we are proud to be at the forefront of this movement and look forward to what the future has in store for us in our quest for a better world.

Oh, and if you want to follow this process with us, don’t forget to follow RIO on our social media and stay tuned to our blog to always receive our updates at first hand!

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