Find out how the alternative valve seat makes the Expert’s job easier

In another article here on the blog, we have already explained that the Valve Seat serves as a kind of “bed” for the base of the exhaust and intake Valves, being responsible for ensuring a perfect fit between the Valve and the head, isolating the set . Fundamental to every vehicle, it takes on an even greater role in custom, natural gas-powered (CNG) engines — and this is where alternative Valve Seating comes into play.

This is because, as is customary in the automotive sector, the original parts and standards validated by large automakers are ideal for traditional engines powered by gasoline, alcohol, diesel and, of course, flex engines. However, we cannot forget that the market also has customized vehicles that use CNG and, therefore, end up requiring special parts and components.

The same goes for custom heads projects, those vehicles that do not have a specific seat model for the application and, consequently, require extra attention from the applicator during the repair or recovery of the heads. It is in this context that the alternative Valve Seat emerges as a valuable ally in the routine of the repairer who wants to deliver a quality service and, at the same time, use equipment, parts and components of guaranteed origin.

After all, what is an alternative Valve Seat?

Going straight to the point, the alternative Valve Seat is a component uniquely created to meet demands for superior quality parts and to supply the custom parts market. Imagine that you have an old collectible car and need to repair the head because of the natural wear of the components. 

However, the Valve Seats used in that model are out of line and you can no longer find a part that can be perfectly fitted to the head. Here, the alternative Valve Seat will ensure that the applicator can adjust the size to the engine’s own specifications, all through a simple and practical overhaul, as these seats are produced with oversizes ranging from 28 to 72 millimeters, sizes capable of supplying practically all engines of the light and heavy lines.

Not to mention that, as the delivery of high performance is also one of the criteria when evaluating an automotive component, RIO also offers the option of working with these seats produced in superalloy, a superior material, with more strength and mechanical efficiency, ideal for custom and gas engine applications.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what is the relationship between CNG engines and the need for stronger Valve Seats, a quick explanation is worth remembering, remembering that the factory project included the use of fossil fuels for vehicle combustion. 

This means that the engine’s engineering was planned so that there was a continuous flow of fuel in the head, helping in the cleaning of the Valves and in the lubrication of the set. When transitioning to CNG, this flow is stopped and, without the liquid fuel, wear on the Valve Seat ends up happening more intensely and faster — hence the importance of using more powerful seats in the head!

And nothing prevents these special seats from being applied also in vehicles with traditional power. Genuine quality parts are great to match automakers’ design, but that’s not to say the alternative Valve Seat can’t be even better than them, offering more strength and delivering superior performance.

When choosing the best seat, count on RIO

In a process that involves the work of many multidisciplinary casting, technology , and engineering teams, RIO develops custom-designed rough and straight boring seats, all to facilitate Cylinder Head recovery. In addition, our production process also guarantees the casting of parts with alternative materials for special applications. All this with the tradition and reference that are already registered trademarks of our company.

In our catalogue, the applicator can find intake and exhaust seats made of cast iron, superalloys, chromalloy and RCS-02, all with the most varied casting bases, with iron, nickel superalloy and cobalt superalloy. RIO also has components in different hardness indices and equivalent alloys, guaranteeing coverage for the most diverse applications thanks to our market experience!

And speaking of experience, it is worth noting that RIO has been operating in the market for over 70 years, being one of the largest manufacturers in Latin America of Guides, Seats, Mechanical Valve Tappets, Cylinder Liners and castings in special alloys. So don’t waste time: visit our website, discover our catalog and find out how we can help you get your projects off the drawing board!

[Catálogo RIO]

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