Preparing your car for long trips: 5 tips to do your best in the end-of-year inspection

December is a month that matches with school holidays, break from work, and that well deserved break in the routine. And for many people, it also means that it’s finally time to hit the road. It’s the time when highways across the country come to life and are full of cars that go to several destinations. But before you pack your bags and face your next trip, it’s important that the driver schedule an end-of-year inspection and pays a special attention to the vehicle.

After all, long routes require much more from the engine and its components. Not to mention that cars that are used in everyday life – usually in short journeys, such as from home to work and vice versa – may end up requiring extra care before facing longer routes. That’s why, in this article, we highlight some essential verifications that every driver should take into consideration before hitting the road in order to ensure their safety and the safety of the whole family. Come with us!

5 details to pay attention to in the end-of-year inspection

It’s not bad omen, it’s statistics: cars that are not subject to regular maintenance or periodic inspections have greater chances of presenting problems in long trips, which may be dangerous both for drivers and for their passengers. Therefore, in order to ensure a safe and calm Journey, schedule an end-of-year inspection before your trip, preferably in a reliable mechanic garage, and make sure to verify the following items:

1 – Tire condition

Checking the tire pressure and wear is crucial. Worn tires or tires with incorrect pressure may compromise car stability and increase the braking distance. In addition, it’s worth verifying whether there are foreign objects in the treads: they may even seem harmless, but in long distances, they end up showing to be a real pain for the driver. Oh, and don’t forget to include the spare tire in this verification!

2 – Fluid levels

It’s also essential to verify the car fluids on a regular basis. The engine oil, for instance, is in charge of lubrication and protection of the header assembly, and an inappropriate level of this lubricant can reflect in serious damage. The brake fluid is crucial to ensure the braking efficiency, while the radiator fluid maintains the engine cool.

3 – Brake system

When doing your end-of-year inspection, don’t forget to ask the mechanic to verify also the status of the brake pads, discs and, as we have already mentioned in the previous tip, the brake fluids. Remember that this whole system should be working perfectly in order to ensure an effective response in emergency situations.

4 – Electric system

The vehicle lights are also an essential part of the car security features, especially during night trips or under adverse climatic conditions. Besides the main lights, it’s important to check the brake lights, turn signals, flashlights, and fog lights, also taking some time to check whether the panel lights are working properly in order to warn you about eventual system failures.

5 – Battery status

The battery is the heart of the electric system in a vehicle. So, checking whether the battery is in good condition is crucial to avoid starting issues, especially on cold days. It’s worth checking the battery age and whether there are signs of corrosion in battery terminals. Have you ever wondered taking a break to stretch your legs and no longer being able to start the car? It’s definitely annoying!

Don’t leave it to the last minute: keep your vehicle inspections always up to date

It’s worth keeping in mind that, even making all these verifications that we have recommended here, counting on a more detailed inspection in a reliable mechanic garage before hitting the road may prevent future problems – especially if you develop the habit of making these inspections periodically. Thus, you avoid surprises during the trip and also save your money, since you are able to correct eventual problems before they evolve to more critical situations.

We hope that this information contribute to a more calm and safer trip, whatever your destination is! And if you want to receive more tips such as those we provided today, stay tuned on RIO channels and follow us in our social media to get everything at first hand!

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