RIO 2024: engine enthusiasts for 78 years

If back in 1946 someone searched for basic industrial mechanics services in the area of Rio do Sul, in Santa Catarina, they would probably end up in the modest and newly inaugurated Metalúrgica Riosulense — a company that started small, indeed, but expanded over the following decades and today is the very heart of the regional industry, uniting thousands of professionals and specialists who love engines!

And obviously, now that 2024 is officially approaching and marking the beginning of another cycle, we couldn’t let RIO’s 78th anniversary go unnoticed. That’s why in today’s post we are going to revisit some of this long path, check out some important news and achievements, and, once again, reinforce our commitment to quality and sustainability.
Join us and have a good read!

Tradition in creating movement

Although the company took its first steps in the industrial mechanics segment, it wasn’t long before the relationship with the automotive sector began to flourish. This is why RIO began the 60s working hard in manufacturing valve guides — a strategic bet so sure that it was capable of giving a tremendous boost to the company in the two following decades, making the auto part production become Riosulense’s main activity during the 80s.

From then on, things happened fast: with the approach of new markets, the company soon began to export its products, raising the bar of its quality standards, and further expanding its portfolio which, in the 2000s, already included parts for cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, agricultural machinery, and supplies for the railway sector.

Nowadays, those who visit RIO’s factory and check closely the modern processes for casting and production of parts, the automation technologies and analysis employed in our equipment, and our Prototype Factory’s additive manufacturing lab do not always realize that there was a long and glorious path taken to get where we are today!

All of this is thanks to professionals who, as well as our clients, partners, and friends, are engine enthusiasts and spent the last decades building good relationships and reinforcing our commitment to superior quality, to the highest standards of the main automakers in Brazil and worldwide, and, of course, to sustainability and the environment that surrounds us!

Engine — and sustainability — enthusiasts!

Speaking of the environment, those who know RIO know that: our commitment to sustainability is nothing new. This is because good ecological practices and the environmental agenda have been rooted in our business culture since the beginning, in 1946, as an intrinsic part of our mission and our values.

A valuable evidence of this arrived in 2023, when we achieved the ISO 14001 certification — a powerful confirmation of what we defend so much during these decades and a validation of our continuous dedication to minimize our impact on the environment, always working responsibly with the space that surrounds us, shelters us, and receives us every day.

But those who think our counterexamples stop there are mistaken. After all, at RIO, this care starts in the very selection and use of raw materials, goes through the use of sustainable materials and alloys in our production processes, and is reflected in a series of good actions in our daily routine, such as good recycling practices, water and effluent treatment, subterranean water quality control, responsible management of waste, among other initiatives that only prove that the continuous search for sustainability is in our DNA.

A legacy transmitted and strengthened by each one of the engine enthusiasts that are part of RIO’s teams and which is the true legacy of our eternal leader and founder, Mr. João Stramosk. Having this in mind, we work with the mission of transforming RIO into a global company, renowned as the best option for partnership and business for our clients and distributors!

In addition, our vision guides us to always develop and supply products, materials, casting and machining services in a creative and sustainable way in order to move the world, promoting our values that are based on innovation, excellence, respect, simplicity, ethics, and faith to brighten paths, cultivate talents, and shape the future.

So, may 2024 be an incredible year, and, once more, thanks for trusting us!

We know that all this history of success that RIO is pridefully sharing is only possible because you, client and partner, know very well how we love engines and trust our work. It is our gratitude for this trust that moves us and guides us to continue taking innovation, quality, and technology to the auto part and automotive component segment.

This is why our wishes are that 2024 be a year full of success and achievements, for you and for us. From our side, we will keep working to always be with you, building success stories and making the world move!

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