Technology for the auto repair shop: discover the new tools

Anyone who works with automotive repair knows that having the right tools is essential to guarantee the success of the business. Whether they want to or not, these tools help in the execution of the tasks, improve the efficiency of the service provided and reduce the time that the vehicles are stopped for the repair. In this context, advances in technology for auto repair shops are increasingly contributing to dynamize the work routine of professionals in this sector.

After all, with the constant technological innovations, vehicles now have more complex engineering. And it is clear that, in the face of a super competitive market, being aware of the news and keeping up to date with new techniques is no longer a differential, but a real necessity!

That happens because the technology built into cars grows at a fast pace and, along with technological advances that modify the automotive industry, the repair sector has an obligation to update itself. Traditional workshops with dark environments, many hand tools and without specific sectors are giving room to a new approach, with more receptive and technological environments.

New tools bring more technology to auto repair shops

Do you remember when it was necessary to disassemble the entire engine block in order to locate and correct eventual problems? Or when all the electrical components needed to be removed and tested one by one? Correct defects in electronic injection? No way! Situations like these used to be an exception and, without due care, became real sources of headaches for mechanics and their customers.

However, the fast pace in the technological breakthroughs in the automotive sector has tried to make these exceptions a rule and, today, things already work in a quite different way. If previously it was possible to rely only on senses such as sight, hearing, smell and touch to identify a defect in the vehicle, now the demands are much more complex.

And since every good diagnosis requires efficient tools and equipment, let’s check some key aspects to ensure the success of your business.

Automotive scanners, electronic injection and electrical overhaul

In most cars in circulation today, an ECU module (Electronic Control Unit) is responsible for identifying the amount of air being admitted by the engine, the water temperature of the cooling system, the air temperature, the position of the accelerator, between others.

With these data, the ECU determines, for example, the amount of fuel that will be injected through the nozzles, the ideal idle speed at that moment, the ignition point, the exact moment of the spark in the spark plug and several other actions that contribute for a better performance of the vehicle. Everything is extremely easy — at least until the moment when the injection light on the dashboard lights up!

Until recently, even the best of professionals would take at least a full day of work to identify the source of the problem. Thanks to the electronic injection scanner, this entire process now takes just a few minutes! Widely used in the assembly lines of vehicle manufacturers, today this tool is already present in specialized workshops across the globe.

And there’s also the oscilloscope, another powerful ally of the workshops, ideal for establishing several diagnostics of the components of the vehicle’s electrical system by measuring the oscillations of pulses and electrical currents. With the support of this technology for workshops, it is possible to receive and boost, in real time, all operational parameters of the electronic injection of the vehicle, speeding up the detection and correction of eventual system failures. Without mentioning that, in addition to being able to deliver a diagnosis to your customers in a short time, you still save on manpower and gain some extra time to perform the services!

Diagnostic imaging: borescopes and inspection videoscopes

Hitting tappets, injector nozzle problems, cracked cylinder and worn valve seat. If you work in a workshop, you already know what these problems have in common: they all require the engine to be opened and the cylinder head removed in order to have an accurate notion of the extent of the damage.

The good news is that, in recent years, the emergence of increasingly compact and accessible technologies has also opened space for borescopes and videoscopes to invade the automotive repair solutions market! With these tools in the workshop, it is possible to make a real battery of diagnostic imaging exams on the car’s engine before disassembling it.

While the borescope works similarly to endoscopy, in which a cable with a small camera at the end is inserted into the engine block, the videoscope acts as a kind of ultrasound, making it possible to see through thinner walls of the block.

With these tools in the workshop, it is much easier to accurately check engine problems and, of course, give cheaper quotes to your customers. After all, you can identify, before you even get your hands dirty, how many and which parts need replacement, what type of labor will be needed and even work with service time estimates!

It means that, in order to stand out from the strong competition in the automotive repair market, investing in efficiency is indispensable. Thinking about it, betting on special technology solutions for auto repair shops must be among the priorities of the business owner, as it makes their services more accurate and faster, reducing costs and gaining the customers’ loyalty.

And always keep in mind that, in the end, having a good spare parts supplier makes all the difference! Here at Riosulense, you will find a complete portfolio for the replacement market, with superior quality parts and the guarantee of origin that is already a registered trademark!

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