With an eye on the future: understand the role of the Prototype Factory at RIO

People immersed in the automotive market already know that in the last few years the additive manufacturing process has become an issue that is greatly associated with innovacion within the sector. In this scenario it is only natural that the Prototype Factory at RIO increasingly gains relevance. And, of course, RIO would never forget to offer this resource to its clients and partners.

This is why that within this article we will present to you a few more details on our prototyping technology, as well as demonstrate how it can contribute to your projects.

Additive Manufacturing at the front line

3D printing, known within industries as additive manufacturing, has gained a lot of attention and use in the recent years. Beyond its immense transformational potential in work flow, 3D printing allows companies to reproduce prototypes faithfully from parts, equipment, and test models with extreme precision at lower costs. 

And, another advantage in the use of this mode of fabrication is the speed at which items are made and adjusted. Production is fast and follows a digital model of an object, which is a digital blueprint that holds all relevant production data.  

The agility afforded by the fabrication process makes it possible to manufacture a greater number of products, as well as hastening the phases for both testing and validation, as in accordance to market demands in an automated format.

A reference Prototype Factory within the industry? Count on RIO!

We all know that the production of prototypes is an indispensable step in the success of any product! This is because it is from prototyping that a part is tested in the field, evaluated, and adjusted until it finally reaches its best form and is shipped to market.

And, in order for this process to be executed at a lower possible cost, as well as with greater agility, nothing else comes closer to meeting such rigorous standards than that of being a reference Prototype Factory within the industry. This is where RIO‘s commitment to increased productivity foment the nees of our clients and partners comes in.

With the implementation of our Prototype Factory, we foment an initiative that allows RIO to not only produce new products, but parts of lower market demand, whether cast or machined, at greater speeds and lower costs through the use of additive manufacturing.

And remember that while RIO holds over 70 years of experience within the metallurgical sector, we hold our eyes towards the future. From our vast experience RIO is well aware of the challenges involved in the lauching of new parts and solutions to the automotive market, as no other does. Therefore, overcoming and surpassing such challenges are the very reasons behind RIO‘s investiments into innovation.

At the RIO Prototype Factory the best of additive manufacturing fuses with the expertise of our technical engineering teams, making possible a process of producion and testing with a reduction of 65% in the time normally taken in prototyping. The reduction, however, is even greater if the reduction of 80% time consumption of the tooling step is taken into consideration.

Further, the RIO Prototype Factory has resulted in a reduction of 38% in production costs when compared to conventional processes. Furthermore, 3D printing production has excellent repeatability and dimensional precision, both at the order of 10 microns. Moreover, all of this efficiency has resulted in a great decrease in the production of waste byproducts.

Mais agility and precision in high complexity projects

With the support of a multidisciplinary team of experts, the Prototype Factory allows for the development of OEM projects with more speed, assertiveness and flexibility. This is due to our software’s ability to execute alterations in real time, even during the development stage.

The virtualization of simulations has also made it possible for testing related processes to be made in software controlled environments. This accounts for nearly half of the efforts executed in any conventional unit in machine production.

In other words, parts are borne identified and tested and the possibilities for engineering failures become virtually nulled. In addition, if the project requires alterations a new part can be printed quickly, contributing to the avoidance of wasted resources as well as in the reduction of time spent.

Em outras palavras, as peças já nascem identificadas e testadas e as possibilidades de falhas na engenharia de produção passam a ser praticamente nulas. Se o projeto precisar de alterações ou mudanças, uma nova peça será impressa rapidamente. Isso contribui para evitar desperdícios de recursos e, claro, de tempo!

Ultimately, it is worth keeping in mind that our engineering teams apply a range of simulation software to the projected model. In this way, RIO has the ability to anticipate possible project flaws and execute enhancements while still within the project development phase, mitigating error probability.

Now you already know, this is how RIO helps companies move in the direction of innovation. Would you like to know more about how RIO can contribute to your Business? Then access our site, or contact our team. Remember, RIO is at your disposal, and ready to help you in taking your audacious projects from the drawing board to reality.

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